VHP Alok Kumar On ASI Report Says Handover Gyanvapi Structure To Hindus

VHP Alok Kumar On ASI Report Says Handover Gyanvapi Structure To Hindus

VHP On Gyanvapi Mosque: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) international working president and senior advocate Alok Kumar on Saturday (January 27) issued a statement regarding the survey report of Varanasi’s Gyanvapi complex, claiming that the mosque was built over the temple. He demanded that Hindus should be allowed to worship Shivalinga in the so-called Vajukhana area at the disputed site.

Alok Kumar also urged the Arrangement Committee looking after the Gyanvapi Mosque to respectfully shift the mosque to some other place and hand over the premises to the Hindus. He also said that this will create goodwill and peace between the two communities.

This statement from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad has come at a time when the survey report of ASI regarding the Gyanvapi complex came to light two years ago.

Counsel for the Hindu petitioners in the Kashi Vishwanath-Gyanvapi case had on Thursday (January 25) claimed that a scientific survey report by the ASI shows that the mosque was built on a remains of a pre-existing temple. He had claimed that the survey report had enough evidence of the existence of a temple at the place where the mosque now stands.

What did Alok Kumar say?

Alok Kumar said, “In the Gyanvapi case, the Archaeological Survey of India has done a scientific and in-depth study of the entire structure and submitted its report to the court. He has also collected all the evidence from there. After studying them all, we have come to the conclusion that a temple was demolished and this mosque was built on top of it. A part of that temple, especially the western wall, was used to build a mosque.

‘The nature of that place is still that of a temple’

Alok Kumar said, “The pillars and other things of the old temple have been spent in the construction and maintenance of that mosque. The Shivalinga found in the bathroom there also proves that this place cannot be a mosque, this place is a temple. The inscriptions found include names like Janardan, Rudra, Umeshwar. All this proves that the nature of that place is still that of a temple.

He said, “The Places of Worship Act of 1991 says that the nature of a religious place will not be changed. I think we have been able to prove through the ASI report that the nature of that place is not that of a mosque, but is still that of a temple.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad made this demand

In his statement, Alok Kumar mentioned two major demands of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. He said, “Hindu society should be allowed to serve and worship the Shivalinga established at the place which was called Vajukhana.”

He said, “We also urge the Arrangement Committee that after all the evidence has come forward, it would be better if they themselves say that they are ready to respectfully shift this mosque to some other, suitable place.” And hand over this place to Hindus. If he does this, it will create goodwill and peace between the two communities of India and the mosque will also be able to remain at its displaced place with respect. For this we will wait in future.

Also read- AIMPLB rejected ASI’s survey report on Gyanvapi Mosque, said- ‘No evidence’

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